Sunday, August 11, 2024

Tom Gething

 Oakley Hall: Warlock historical fiction - about town of OK Corral Lists the tombstones and how their owners died - really interesting.
Pedro Paramo/Under the Volcano Talks about Rulfo - interesting,
The Man Who Loved Dogs Historical fiction - about Trotsky's assassin
Annals of the Former World by John McPhee On geologists and our terrain
Pancho Villa Takes Zacatecas A graphic novel by Paco Ignacio Tabo II and the artist Eko. The illusrations look epic.
My First Summer in the Sierra by John Muir illustrated by pictures from reviewer's hike on the John Muir trail. Looks so cool!
Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe also recommends a story collection of his: "From Death to Morning."
Nevil Shute How would we act at the end of the world?
King Leopold's Ghost A look at Leopold's Congo
Stoner by John Williams not what it sounds like; a rich telling of an ordinary professor's life
Short story collection by Ma Jian Compared to Rulfo & Chekhov

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