Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Receipts by source 1934+ ratio of indiv income tax to corporate income tax has gone up a ton
National Defense Outlays for Major Public Direct Physical Capital Investment: 1940-2023 spending on atomic energy has gone up a ton in the last couple of years

https://larouchepub.com/other/2002/2915aff_docum.html EIR seems iffy, so I'd need some serious confirming evidence for all this. Interesting. 
https://thirdworldtraveler.com/ interesting collection of quotes - site seems off

        if he got way boycotting Israel= 10 yrs in gaol

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

CIA Reading Room


MK-Ultra etc.

 LSD in Czechoslovakia quite common from 1952 to 1974. Exported a lot to West until production was banned in 1974. 
Al Hubbard introduced aprox 6K to LSD 2 a devout Catholic. Timothy Leary was the populist - Hubbard     had a top-down approach.  Energy Transformer allegedly worked with Tesla for a short time. admitted         device was powered by Radium in 1920s early computer scientists introduced by Stolaroff who was             introduced by Hubbard. Built Seattle's first radio station. Introduced LSD to Aldous Huxley. 
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate (pdf) WP review US thought Soviets bought 50M doses (something still repeated today) - actually 50. US rushed to Switzerland to buy 100M doses - couldn't because they didn't have that much. Also - continued interest in 1970s. 
https://mikejay.net/the-acid-farmers/ More details about Sandoz
https://druglibrary.net/schaffer/Library/studies/cu/CU50.html very good resource. Most LSD given straight to psychiatrists etc by Sandoz. As of 1970, most of British LSD smuggled from USA. 
very good "LSD, mind control, and the internet" cybernetics CIA sponsored electroshock/LSD on children