Wednesday, July 2, 2008


"Carter" means computer.

(We put our computer on a low-lying coffee table in the kitchen, so that John can see pictures of cars on it.)

A "dee-ghee" is a digger.

"Shish" means fish.

"Ricey" is rice. (One of the only things John eats is spinach and rice, an Indian dish.)

"ECO" means "I see you."

"Odd Bess you" means "God bless you."

"Mere, Mere" means "Come here!"

Unfortunately, "cocky" means "cookies" (as in "C is for cookies, that's good enough for me").

Some things John does say correctly, though, such as "I got cars!" or "Wow! Cool!"


GTT said...

don't forget that "doctor" is tractor.

GTT said...

who is gtt? it's really me, Mama.