Sunday, December 29, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Monday, December 9, 2024
Robert Moses
"When researching the parkways built by Robert Moses, there are a considerable number of sources that contend that he purposely built the bridge overpasses too low so that the minorities of New York City wouldn’t be able to access Long Island’s State Park system, specifically, Jones Beach. There are a number of easily discovered materials on the internet that show that buses could always access the Park, such as the below 1937 Bus Schedule from Flushing:"
p. 318: "Now he began to limit access [to Jones Beach] by buses; he instructed Shapiro to build the bridges across his new parkways low - too low for buses to pass. Bus trips therefore had to be made on local roads, making the trips discouragingly long and arduous." So Caro's claim is not that buses could not access Jones Beach - rather that it was harder for them to.
"When researching the parkways built by Robert Moses, there are a considerable number of sources that contend that he purposely built the bridge overpasses too low so that the minorities of New York City wouldn’t be able to access Long Island’s State Park system, specifically, Jones Beach. There are a number of easily discovered materials on the internet that show that buses could always access the Park, such as the below 1937 Bus Schedule from Flushing:"
p. 318: "Now he began to limit access [to Jones Beach] by buses; he instructed Shapiro to build the bridges across his new parkways low - too low for buses to pass. Bus trips therefore had to be made on local roads, making the trips discouragingly long and arduous." So Caro's claim is not that buses could not access Jones Beach - rather that it was harder for them to.
"Additionally, Moses wouldn’t try to pass a law “banning poor people”, because his success was directly tied to the popularity of his projects. It borders on moronic to think that a progressive, ambitious, hard-working public servant would risk his future by sabotaging these undertakings in order to advocate a bigoted agenda."
Uhm, no? Moses was not an elected official, and bigoted agenda wasn't a make-or-break issue back then anyway.
"What is most important in regard to Mr. Moses and his bridges is that state law prohibits trailers and commercial traffic on parkways. Because of this, it would be preposterous to expect Robert Moses to plan a road and its overpasses in order to, at some point in the distant future, or likely never, provide access to vehicles that are disallowed by statute."
"As leisure and recreation infrastructure—park before way—commercial traffic was excluded on all the early American parkways. This meant not only trucks, but buses. Banning big, noisy commercial vehicles was essential to the aesthetics of the parkway, and had nothing to do with racial discrimination. There would have been no need to use the bridges on the Southern State as barricades of a sort; buses were not allowed on this or any other state parkway in the first place.
"But Moses was no fool. “Legislation can always be changed,” Shapiro told Caro; “It’s very hard to tear down a bridge once it’s up.” So did Moses use cement and stone to effectively backstop the vehicular exclusion policy, insuring that the Southern State could never be used to schlep busloads of poor folk to Jones Beach?"
[Then follows analysis which Mark Romaine disputes.]
Argues that the parkway dream did not spring from Moses' head - he merely executed the plans of others.
[Examples of Moses refusing access to commercial & military use of buses/large trucks on his parkways.]
"These incidents cast doubt on the idea, popularized in The Power Broker, that Moses designed parkway bridges too low for buses because he disliked the poor people whom the buses tended to transport, and wanted to keep them out of suburban parks and neighborhoods. He just didn’t like big vehicles—at least on his parkways."
"Moses would never build those two cross-Manhattan highways because he had no magical powers to overturn political will when it turned against him. For decades, he had done what elected officials, newspaper editorialists, business leaders, and the public wanted. The body politic was changing its collective mind. Even as construction on the Cross-Bronx was under way, a Greenwich Village homemaker, Shirley Hayes, was cracking the code to stopping Moses: don’t pressure him to cancel a project, but target the elected officials who had always controlled everything that he built, or didn’t build."
Uhm, no? Moses was not an elected official, and bigoted agenda wasn't a make-or-break issue back then anyway.
"What is most important in regard to Mr. Moses and his bridges is that state law prohibits trailers and commercial traffic on parkways. Because of this, it would be preposterous to expect Robert Moses to plan a road and its overpasses in order to, at some point in the distant future, or likely never, provide access to vehicles that are disallowed by statute."
"As leisure and recreation infrastructure—park before way—commercial traffic was excluded on all the early American parkways. This meant not only trucks, but buses. Banning big, noisy commercial vehicles was essential to the aesthetics of the parkway, and had nothing to do with racial discrimination. There would have been no need to use the bridges on the Southern State as barricades of a sort; buses were not allowed on this or any other state parkway in the first place.
"But Moses was no fool. “Legislation can always be changed,” Shapiro told Caro; “It’s very hard to tear down a bridge once it’s up.” So did Moses use cement and stone to effectively backstop the vehicular exclusion policy, insuring that the Southern State could never be used to schlep busloads of poor folk to Jones Beach?"
[Then follows analysis which Mark Romaine disputes.]
Argues that the parkway dream did not spring from Moses' head - he merely executed the plans of others.
[Examples of Moses refusing access to commercial & military use of buses/large trucks on his parkways.]
"These incidents cast doubt on the idea, popularized in The Power Broker, that Moses designed parkway bridges too low for buses because he disliked the poor people whom the buses tended to transport, and wanted to keep them out of suburban parks and neighborhoods. He just didn’t like big vehicles—at least on his parkways."
"Moses would never build those two cross-Manhattan highways because he had no magical powers to overturn political will when it turned against him. For decades, he had done what elected officials, newspaper editorialists, business leaders, and the public wanted. The body politic was changing its collective mind. Even as construction on the Cross-Bronx was under way, a Greenwich Village homemaker, Shirley Hayes, was cracking the code to stopping Moses: don’t pressure him to cancel a project, but target the elected officials who had always controlled everything that he built, or didn’t build."
Monday, December 2, 2024
The stage
1919-4-05 (Daily Mirror) Won 100 quid. Interview. Her mother sent in her picture without her knowing.
1930-8-11 (Daily Mirror) Miss Gladys Mary Marsh. Won 2nd prize in Daily Mirror beauty contest in 1919.
1930-8-15 Engaged. Has not acted on the West End in years and does not plan to return to the stage. Found the House of Commons dull.
1930-10-09 Married to a Liberal M.P. W/ pic. Marsh is 32 - lives with parents. Acted in "Battling Butler" among other titles. 100K attended his funeral.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Soccer Graffiti on bridge read: ASTLE IS THE KING.
Died of complications from brain trauma due to headers. 1961-80. Swede - played in France.
Dutch: Player/coach. 65 international caps. Just 5'5" but quite good. Ajax. 83 caps. Ajax. Considered one of the best defenders of all time. 35 caps. Good.
Deutsch: 1. FC Koln 1964-78; 166 goals. 66 caps for West Germany. Last living player from 1962 national team.
1958 WS-Verlag Fussball Weltmeisterschaft
Italy: 20 year career 1929-47 Goalkeeper; also played in Yugoslavia With 1936 & 1938 national teams, Olympic gold and World Cup champs. Died in plane crash, 1949
The other is an anecdote from Rosenqvist's childhood, when he and some friends amused themselves one winter day by throwing pieces of tar paper into the air. The pieces were hard and icy, and there was nothing better than a piece of tar paper hitting him right across the nose and severing the tip of his nose. He was stitched up and plastered over, but when his schoolmates asked what had happened, Rosenqvist laconically replied only "tar paper" Good mid-distance runner. Played in France. Center-half. Goalkeeper - meh
1950s Pele called "Black Bebe" in Gothenburg. Good player/coach. Meh - 1950-65 career 1954-73 career 1957-71 - also played hockey Also a singer and handball player. Goalkeeper/firemen. Won medal in two world championships and two Olympics. One of the great Swedish goalkeepers. Played for the national team for twenty years. Swedish HOF. "Turned professional in Italy." I guess Swedish soccer was amateur or semi-pro. Had appearances at age 43 and 55. Part of legendary Gre-No-Li line - three forward Swedes with AC Milan in 1950s. The three led Sweden to the Olympic gold in 1948. Worked as fireman except for years when he was a pro in Italy. HOF. A great in both bandy and soccer.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Saturday, November 23, 2024
4 English, 4 history, 3 philosophy, 2 theology, 1 ec, 1 pol, lecture + lab for life science and physical science, 1 math, 1 fine arts.
4 English, 4 history, 3 philosophy, 2 theology, 1 ec, 1 pol, lecture + lab for life science and physical science, 1 math, 1 fine arts. "UD students leave with more than the specific knowledge of their discipline. Armed with the freedom of a liberal education and the wisdom of the Core, our graduates have taken on myriad leadership roles, serving as doctors, teachers, economists, lawyers, politicians, and even bishops. The extent to which UD students have immersed themselves in every facet of society is made possible by UD's unique education. The tools earned by the rigorous study of the Core texts are not merely additional; rather, they are foundational to any noble pursuit and subsequent success."
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Math .99999... etc. = 1. Rotating dot illusion
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Search engines Google results can be skewed based on how you phrase your question.
""That presentation is from 2016, so you have to take it with a pinch of salt, but the underlying concept is still true. Google builds models to try and predict what people like, but the problem is this creates a kind of feedback loop," Williams-Cook says. If confirmation bias pushes people to click on links that reinforce their beliefs, it can teach Google to show people links that lead to confirmation bias. "It's like saying you're going to let your kid pick out their diet based on what they like. They'll just end up with junk food," he says.
Williams-Cook also worries that people may not understand that when you ask something like "is Trump a good candidate", Google may not necessarily interpret that as a question. Instead, it often just pulls up documents that relate to keywords like "Trump" and "good candidate"."
"For a long time, observers have described how Google is transitioning from a search engine to an "answer engine," where the company simply gives you the information, rather than pointing you to outside sources. The clearest example is the introduction of AI Overviews, a feature where Google uses AI to answer search queries for you, rather than pulling up links in response. As the company put it, you can now "Let Google do the searching for you".
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
"If the vision of God is the fulfillment of the soul, and the soul the life of the body, then by implication death cannot be Man's end. Moreover, the body really ought not to die. A philosopher would have to conclude that, though the body does die, the soul lives forever and that this is not a natural condition, because the perpetual division of the dead body and the immortally living soul would be like a violent condition. In us, the body and the soul go together. According to Aristotle, anti-natural or violent conditions cannot exist forever. Therefore, the ancient philosophers were brought by these considerations to a box canyon."
" (Adam and Eve did not have the necessity of dying before the Fall.) St. Thomas says about them, "Seneca and the other philosophers considered human nature according to those principles that belong to it (human nature) only from the principles of nature. They did not know about the state of the first condition of original innocence, which is held only by faith. Therefore, they only spoke about death as a natural defect, although this natural defect for us is a punishment in some way.
"Man, in fact was originally created correctly. He had communion and intimacy with God. He had no sin, and therefore he did not suffer from the necessity of dying. In other words, a condition of unity and integrity in the human character was only as permanent as the state of grace. God subjected Man to a beautiful union of love in which God's grace and life permeated all of the powers of Man and gave Man the gift of being able to control his own body. This power was lost when sin entered the world. Sin, which is death of the soul leads to the necessity of the death of the body."
" For inflicting on an unrepentant evildoer a punishment proportionate to his offense is a good thing, and the damned are precisely those who forever keep doing evil and refuse to repent, and thus merit perpetual punishment. Hence God, in his goodness, inflicts that punishment. " (boldface italics added)
"And that is the essence of punishment: restoring the teleological relationship, ordained by nature, between evil behavior on the one hand and the unpleasantness or pain that is its proper accident on the other. Punishing evil is thus like healing a wound, restoring a damaged painting, or fixing a leak. It is a matter of repairing things, putting things back in order, making them how they are supposed to be. And given the essentialist and teleological metaphysics that underlies the Thomistic natural law conception of morality, that cannot fail to be a good thing."
"Suppose further, however, that this person perpetually refuses to stop willing to do X. Then the unpleasantness he ought to be made to feel must also be perpetual. But that is the situation of the person whose will is, upon death, fixed on evil, as described in my previous post on the subject of hell. Since such a person perpetually wills evil, God ensures that he perpetually suffers the pain or unpleasantness that ought to be associated with that evil. If, for example, this person perpetually wills X and willing X ought to be associated with shame and contempt, God ensures that the person perpetually suffers shame and contempt."
"There is also the related liberal tendency to see punishment as in any case essentially a means of preserving social order, and perhaps also as a kind of therapy by which criminals can be made to reform, rather than as a way of making sure people get their just deserts in some metaphysical sense. Retribution, that is to say, tends to drop out of the liberal account of punishment in favor of a focus on protection, deterrence, and rehabilitation alone. Unsurprisingly, then, everlasting punishment seems pointless, given what the liberal regards as the point of punishment. For why punish if there is no hope of rehabilitation nor any need to protect others or deter anyone?"
"Traditional natural law theory... holds that securing retributive justice is not only a legitimate purpose of punishment, but is the primary purpose of punishment."
"And that is the essence of punishment: restoring the teleological relationship, ordained by nature, between evil behavior on the one hand and the unpleasantness or pain that is its proper accident on the other. Punishing evil is thus like healing a wound, restoring a damaged painting, or fixing a leak. It is a matter of repairing things, putting things back in order, making them how they are supposed to be. And given the essentialist and teleological metaphysics that underlies the Thomistic natural law conception of morality, that cannot fail to be a good thing."
"Suppose further, however, that this person perpetually refuses to stop willing to do X. Then the unpleasantness he ought to be made to feel must also be perpetual. But that is the situation of the person whose will is, upon death, fixed on evil, as described in my previous post on the subject of hell. Since such a person perpetually wills evil, God ensures that he perpetually suffers the pain or unpleasantness that ought to be associated with that evil. If, for example, this person perpetually wills X and willing X ought to be associated with shame and contempt, God ensures that the person perpetually suffers shame and contempt."
"There is also the related liberal tendency to see punishment as in any case essentially a means of preserving social order, and perhaps also as a kind of therapy by which criminals can be made to reform, rather than as a way of making sure people get their just deserts in some metaphysical sense. Retribution, that is to say, tends to drop out of the liberal account of punishment in favor of a focus on protection, deterrence, and rehabilitation alone. Unsurprisingly, then, everlasting punishment seems pointless, given what the liberal regards as the point of punishment. For why punish if there is no hope of rehabilitation nor any need to protect others or deter anyone?"
"Traditional natural law theory... holds that securing retributive justice is not only a legitimate purpose of punishment, but is the primary purpose of punishment."
"Wherefore in order that the happiness of the saints may be more delightful to them and that they may render more copious thanks to God for it, they are allowed to see perfectly the sufferings of the damned." - TAQ
Excuse me, what??
A comment: "As Aquinas points out, schadenfreude in itself is a form of (illicit) hatred, i.e., a sin." The rejoicing will be in the justice of God.
Excuse me, what??
A comment: "As Aquinas points out, schadenfreude in itself is a form of (illicit) hatred, i.e., a sin." The rejoicing will be in the justice of God.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
"I was, by US standards, a very early opponent of the Vietnam War. I became quite active in opposing the war in the early 1960s … but that was too late. Should have been 10 years earlier when the US began to support the French effort to reconquer their former colony and, when the French failed, the US took over, undermined the Geneva Accords, established a client state in the south that killed 60 [thousand] or 70,000 people. That was when protest should have begun."
"In September 2009, a UN special mission, headed by the South African Justice Richard Goldstone, produced a report accusing both Palestinian militants and the Israeli army of war crimes and possible crimes against humanity, and recommended bringing those responsible to justice.[57] In 2011, Goldstone wrote that he does not believe that Israel intentionally targeted civilians in Gaza as a matter of explicit policy.[58] The other authors of the report, Hina Jilani, Christine Chinkin, and Desmond Travers, stated that no new evidence had been gathered that disputed the report's findings.[59][60] The United Nations Human Rights Council ordered Israel to conduct various repairs of the damage. On 21 September 2012, the United Nations Human Rights Council concluded that 75% of civilian homes destroyed in the attack were not rebuilt."
"Between 2005 and 2007, Palestinian groups in Gaza fired about 2,700 locally made Qassam rockets into Israel, killing four Israeli civilians and injuring 75 others. During the same period, Israel fired more than 14,600 155 mm artillery shells into the Gaza Strip, killing 59 Palestinians and injuring 270.
" According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, between 2005 and 2008, 116 Israelis, including civilians and Israeli security forces, which includes Israeli police, Israeli Border Police and members of the armed services, were killed in both Israel and the Palestinian Territories in "direct conflict related incidents" and 1,509 were injured.[90] During this time, 1,735 Palestinians, including civilians and militants from various groups, were killed and 8,308 wounded in "direct conflict related incidents".
"Hamas was careful to maintain the ceasefire.[108][109] Despite Israel's refusal to comply significantly with the truce agreement to end the siege/blockade, Hamas brought rocket and mortar fire from Gaza to a virtual halt during the summer and fall of 2008.[110] Hamas "tried to enforce the terms of the arrangement" on other Palestinian groups, taking "a number of steps against networks which violated the arrangement", including short-term detention and confiscating their weapons, but it could not completely end the rocket and mortar shell attacks by these rogue factions in Gaza. Hamas had sought support in Gazan public opinion for its policy of maintaining the ceasefire.[111] On 2 August there were massive clashes in Gaza City after Hamas had stepped up its campaign to curb Fatah from attacking Israel[112]"
Operation Cast Lead - Amnesty International 2009 - 1.4K Palestinian civilians killed - targeting of civilians and medical forces. 1.3K-3.5K Palestinian civilians killed by Lebanese army with support of IDF.
During the Nakba, nearly 500 villages were destroyed, entire Palestinian towns depopulated and approximately 800,000 Palestinians exiled to make room for Jewish immigrants who arrived from all corners of the globe.
During the Nakba, nearly 500 villages were destroyed, entire Palestinian towns depopulated and approximately 800,000 Palestinians exiled to make room for Jewish immigrants who arrived from all corners of the globe.
"Antisemitism is pure evil, and as Christians, we must combat it and denounce it. However, contrary to misconceptions in the church and in the media, the Israel-Palestine struggle is not a religious conflict but a complex political dispute rooted in human rights violations and decades of injustice. I believe in Israel’s right to exist and live securely, and I certainly support our Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and a viable state. But we must reject violence, bloodshed, and acts of terrorism from any quarter.
"Antisemitism is pure evil, and as Christians, we must combat it and denounce it. However, contrary to misconceptions in the church and in the media, the Israel-Palestine struggle is not a religious conflict but a complex political dispute rooted in human rights violations and decades of injustice. I believe in Israel’s right to exist and live securely, and I certainly support our Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and a viable state. But we must reject violence, bloodshed, and acts of terrorism from any quarter.
"For these reasons, it is imperative for Christians to unreservedly speak out against all forms of injustice, including the Israeli occupation. Taking a principled stand against oppression and discrimination is the core of the biblical teachings and the Christian message."
"[Jesus] would comfort the relatives of the victims of the devastating Israeli airstrike in October 2023 that claimed the lives of 16 Christians and severely damaged a historic fifth-century church.
"[Jesus] would comfort the relatives of the victims of the devastating Israeli airstrike in October 2023 that claimed the lives of 16 Christians and severely damaged a historic fifth-century church.
"The death and destruction facing Palestinians have not stopped there. On November 12, 2023, Israeli forces fatally shot 84-year-old music teacher and church pianist Elham Farah, leaving her to bleed to death for two agonizing days in front of her Gaza home. Nahid Khalil Anton and her daughter Samar fell victim to an Israeli sniper’s cold-blooded attack on church grounds on December 16. The Gaza Baptist Church, where my wife grew up, was bombed and burned. The nearly 1,000 Christians seeking refuge within the churches find themselves without access to adequate food, medical care, or even basic sanitation."
There are various estimates on how many Palestinian Christians are still living in Palestine today, compared with the period before 1948 when the state of Israel was established atop Palestinian towns and villages. Regardless of the source of the various studies, there is a near-consensus that the number of Christian inhabitants of Palestine has dropped by nearly 10-fold in the last 70 years.
A population census carried out by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2017 concluded that 47,000 Palestinian Christians are living in Palestine – with reference to the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Ninety-eight percent of Palestine’s Christians live in the West Bank – concentrated mostly in the cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jerusalem – while the remainder, a tiny Christian community of merely 1,100 people, live in the besieged Gaza Strip.
A study conducted by Dar al-Kalima University in the West Bank town of Beit Jala and published in December 2017 interviewed nearly 1,000 Palestinians, half of them Christian and the other half Muslim. One of the main goals of the research was to understand the reason behind the depleting Christian population in Palestine.
The study concluded that ‘the pressure of Israeli occupation, ongoing constraints, discriminatory policies, arbitrary arrests, confiscation of lands added to the general sense of hopelessness among Palestinian Christians’, who are finding themselves in ‘a despairing situation where they can no longer perceive a future for their offspring or for themselves’.
"The Christian community in Gaza has lost at least 21 members so far. This may sound like a small number, but given they were only 1,000 before the war, these massacres threaten to eliminate the Christian presence in the strip for the first time in almost 2,000 years. Proportionally speaking, the death rate of Palestinian Christians is double that of the entire Palestinian population in Gaza."
A population census carried out by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2017 concluded that 47,000 Palestinian Christians are living in Palestine – with reference to the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Ninety-eight percent of Palestine’s Christians live in the West Bank – concentrated mostly in the cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jerusalem – while the remainder, a tiny Christian community of merely 1,100 people, live in the besieged Gaza Strip.
A study conducted by Dar al-Kalima University in the West Bank town of Beit Jala and published in December 2017 interviewed nearly 1,000 Palestinians, half of them Christian and the other half Muslim. One of the main goals of the research was to understand the reason behind the depleting Christian population in Palestine.
The study concluded that ‘the pressure of Israeli occupation, ongoing constraints, discriminatory policies, arbitrary arrests, confiscation of lands added to the general sense of hopelessness among Palestinian Christians’, who are finding themselves in ‘a despairing situation where they can no longer perceive a future for their offspring or for themselves’.
"The Christian community in Gaza has lost at least 21 members so far. This may sound like a small number, but given they were only 1,000 before the war, these massacres threaten to eliminate the Christian presence in the strip for the first time in almost 2,000 years. Proportionally speaking, the death rate of Palestinian Christians is double that of the entire Palestinian population in Gaza."
"Incidents of Jewish extremists harassing and intimidating Palestinian Christians, spitting on them and attacking their processions have spiked. Christian properties, including churches and cemeteries, have been targeted.
Just days before Hamas’s October 7 attacks in southern Israel, a group of Jewish men and boys harassed a Christian procession carrying a cross, viciously spitting on them. A video of the incident went viral and caused international outrage, but clearly not among Western leaders. Repeated appeals from Christian church leaders for action on Jewish Israeli violence have fallen on deaf ears for years."
"On October 17, just days after launching its brutal war on Gaza, Israel bombed the courtyard of the Christian-run Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds of people who had sought shelter there from its bombardment. The Israeli propaganda machine tried to blame the attack on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, but subsequent investigations confirmed that the “evidence” it had produced was fabricated.
Two days later, the Israeli army bombed the nearby Church of St Porphyrius, the world’s third oldest church, killing at least 18 people.
Two days later, the Israeli army bombed the nearby Church of St Porphyrius, the world’s third oldest church, killing at least 18 people.
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which runs the church, said many of those inside at the time were women and children. “Targeting churches and their institutions, in addition to the shelters they provide to protect innocent citizens … constitutes a war crime that cannot be ignored,” it said in a statement.
A Palestinian Catholic mother published an appeal to Biden, calling on him to base his policies on his moral beliefs. “We are not children of a lesser God, Mr. President, we are the Palestinian Christians of the holy land where the message of love peace, and justice started, and we call upon you to stop this Genocide.”"
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Friday, October 18, 2024 Largest waterfall system in world, not Victoria Falls] Largest open-air theater in history, not Colisseum] Largest open-air theater in history, not Colisseum
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Trees A quaking aspen tree that appears to be 47,000 different trees but is really one.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
A new stat - Marsh+ - measuring how well a pitcher's pitches go together - how long it takes for a batter to be able to distinguish them.
A new stat - Marsh+ - measuring how well a pitcher's pitches go together - how long it takes for a batter to be able to distinguish them.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Sunday, September 29, 2024
1952 Topps/1953 Bowman 2004 interview
"One of the features that contributed significantly to Topps's success beginning with the 1952 set was providing player statistics. At the time, complete and reliable baseball statistics for all players were not widely available, so Topps actually compiled the information itself from published box scores."
Yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
One hypothesis I have comes from a vague memory from something I read somewhere years ago. According to my vague memory, Sy Berger tried and failed to license the stats he needed for 1952 Topps from the Elias Sports Bureau or someone like that, and so was forced to compile them himself. (Berger received a degree in accountancy from Bucknell University.) The Topps page on says that Berger compiled the stats for 1952 Topps from box scores (presumably only for the 1951 season); to me that sounds implausible, but not impossible.
Friday, September 27, 2024
2021-4-21. Stage 2 - my top is 128,333
2021-11-30 Stage 2- my top is 147,500
2023-10-27 I'm barely there
2023-10-27 Stage 1 - I'm barely there
2021-12-02 My top is 82,500. I take up the entire top 100.
2021-4-21 My top is 71,667.
2022-1-21 Top of almost every category
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Noam Chomsky Interview on Reagan
(Noam Chomsky day is December 7)
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Fantasy hockey
Athletic cheat sheet w/ necc. commentary Opinions are favorable Ovechkin "a little nicked up"
Friday, September 20, 2024
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Friday, September 13, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
1943 La Ambrosia Cuba Amateur cards
In 2021, lot of 153 incl. Marrero sold for $295 (argghhh)
Ryan Christoff:
"While rare by American standards, 1943 Ambrosia cards are the most common of all Cuban cards. The set features teams from the Cuban Amateur League, which was nearly as competetive and popular as the professional league during that era. The cards are extremely condition sensitive and are usually found in terrible condition, so there should be a substantial premium for nice examples. I say "should" because I haven't really seen many nice examples come up for sale.
I should add that this is a unique set in that out of 242 cards, there are about 150 to 160 that are very, very common. If there were a group of 150 of these I could probably tell you exactly which 150 were in it. Then there are about 50-60 cards that are nearly impossible. I would say those ones are literally about 15-20 times as scarce as the others. The remaining 30ish cards are so rare I'm not entirely sure they were even produced.I personally have 214 of the 242 theoretical cards in the set. There are probably sets that are more complete, but I have not seen any.
The set was supposed to be 240 cards: 12 cards each from 20 different teams. Two of the teams, however, have 13 different cards. Each album had a space for each card with the player's name beneath a square where the card was meant to be pasted. There were 6 cards per page. Each time you flipped a page in the album, it would be a new team with 6 cards on the left page and 6 cards on the right. Well, most albums are the same, with the same squares in the same places with the same player names below. But a couple albums turned up that had one different player on two of the teams. My guess is that these were the earliest albums and production stopped fairly soon after they were issued. Perhaps the players left the team and were replaced. No one really knows why. Those "13th player" cards are obviously part of the group of cards that are nearly impossible.
I hope to find out more about this issue, especially verifying whether or not the remaining 28 cards actually exist. If anyone has any info, please e-mail me.
Your card features Angel Rodriguez who was a member of the Regla team. Depending on the condition, it is probably worth around $10-$15. I'm sure SGC would grade them, but none have yet been graded as far as I know. The grading fees would cost as much as most of the cards are worth. A few of the cards that feature future Major Leaguers might be worth grading, though, including the key card in the set, Conrado Marrero's rookie card."
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Poetry "Black Milk" by Massive Attack takes from it its title.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Fantasy football
Keon Coleman Could be Josh Allen's top target. Silas is high on him.
Jayden Daniels - big fantasy potential for his scrambling (8.10)
Jayden Daniels - big fantasy potential for his scrambling (8.10)
Trevor Lawrence - has had good stretches - offense is improved (10.08)
Jaylen Warren
Jaylen Warren
Sean Payton's folks
Rashee Rice (7.08) -
Rome Odunze (8.08)
Brian Thomas Jr. - just 21.
Rashee Rice (7.08) -
Rome Odunze (8.08)
Brian Thomas Jr. - just 21.
Kyle Pitts (5.11) - should be utilized better - will have better QB. Has been great last 3 years but not used well for fantasy purposes.
Kyle Pitts (5.11) - should be utilized better - will have better QB. Has been great last 3 years but not used well for fantasy purposes.
Jake Ferguson (7.08) - looking up
Zay Flowers - BAL WR
Khalil Shakir - BUF WR
Zack Moss - CIN RB -Mixon gone, competing with Chase Brown for touches
Jerome Ford - CLE RB
Jaleel McLaughlin - DEN WR
Tank Dell - HOU WR
Anthony Richardson - IND QB - dual threat
Brian Thomas Jr. - JAX WR - rookie
Rashee Rice - KC WR - elite if playing
Brock Bowers - LV TE - very positive
Ladd McConkey - LA WR - room opening up for him
Jaylen Wright - MIA RB - yes, another one
Ja'Lynn Polk- NE WR
Garrett Wilson - NYJ WR
Jaylen Warren - PIT RB - way more efficient than Najee last year - but ADP 25 back
Tyjae Spears - TEN RB - very efficient last year
Zack Moss - CIN RB -Mixon gone, competing with Chase Brown for touches
Jerome Ford - CLE RB
Jaleel McLaughlin - DEN WR
Tank Dell - HOU WR
Anthony Richardson - IND QB - dual threat
Brian Thomas Jr. - JAX WR - rookie
Rashee Rice - KC WR - elite if playing
Brock Bowers - LV TE - very positive
Ladd McConkey - LA WR - room opening up for him
Jaylen Wright - MIA RB - yes, another one
Ja'Lynn Polk- NE WR
Garrett Wilson - NYJ WR
Jaylen Warren - PIT RB - way more efficient than Najee last year - but ADP 25 back
Tyjae Spears - TEN RB - very efficient last year
Tyjae Spears - efficiency - good receiver
Rashid Shaheed - NO WR - probably WR2 - has been good in limited time - Saints got former 49ers offensive coordinator, which bodes well
Rashid Shaheed - NO WR - probably WR2 - has been good in limited time - Saints got former 49ers offensive coordinator, which bodes well
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Box score transcription - image to text convertor - OCR "Transcribe at least 25 pages before training a Text Recognition model: these pages will be the data (Ground Truth) on which the model will train itself and learn to recognise a new script." It ain't easy
YT PyTesseract: Python Optical Character Recognition | Using Tesseract OCR with Python
YT PyTesseract: Python Optical Character Recognition | Using Tesseract OCR with Python gets format right "Over the last year, I have been working on an application that auto-translates documents while maintaining the layout and formatting." gets format right "Over the last year, I have been working on an application that auto-translates documents while maintaining the layout and formatting."
Friday, August 16, 2024
David Foster Wallace
Farther Away “Robinson Crusoe,” David Foster Wallace, and the island of solitude. By Jonathan Franzen Franzen was close friends with DFW. Counterbalances the 'secular saint' narrative - speaks of DFW's dark secret self - that felt it could never be loved. On the twisted logic of his suicide.
"The curious thing about David’s fiction, though, is how recognized and comforted, how loved, his most devoted readers feel when reading it. To the extent that each of us is stranded on his or her own existential island—and I think it’s approximately correct to say that his most susceptible readers are ones familiar with the socially and spiritually isolating effects of addiction or compulsion or depression—we gratefully seized on each new dispatch from that farthest-away island which was David. At the level of content, he gave us the worst of himself: he laid out, with an intensity of self-scrutiny worthy of comparison to Kafka and Kierkegaard and Dostoyevsky, the extremes of his own narcissism, misogyny, compulsiveness, self-deception, dehumanizing moralism and theologizing, doubt in the possibility of love, and entrapment in footnotes-within-footnotes self-consciousness. At the level of form and intention, however, this very cataloguing of despair about his own authentic goodness is received by the reader as a gift of authentic goodness: we feel the love in the fact of his art, and we love him for it."
On Franzen's "The Corrections" About harrowing process of writing the novel. I like his writing tips - also like the letter DFW wrote Franzen about the book
Okay Ending speculation How Hal acquires his speech impediment A bit turgid #4
Madame Psychosis ~ metempsychosis (transmigration of souls after death)
Metempsychosis is apparently a motif in Ulysses.
Madame Psychosis ~ metempsychosis (transmigration of souls after death)
Metempsychosis is apparently a motif in Ulysses.
"But it’s more than homage, and part of the bloody point of this book is that there’s more to life and to fiction than creating a web of allusion and referent and ambiguity, although those are cool. He’s engaging with Joyce through this name and this idea, but there’s more. I think he’s making a kind of argument about the nature of literature: that what it is, in a way, is a transmigration of souls, from an author to a character to a reader. "
"But it’s more than homage, and part of the bloody point of this book is that there’s more to life and to fiction than creating a web of allusion and referent and ambiguity, although those are cool. He’s engaging with Joyce through this name and this idea, but there’s more. I think he’s making a kind of argument about the nature of literature: that what it is, in a way, is a transmigration of souls, from an author to a character to a reader. "
"Twenty years after my own graduation, I have come gradually to understand that the liberal arts cliché about teaching you how to think is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed. Think of the old cliché about “the mind being an excellent servant but a terrible master.”
"Twenty years after my own graduation, I have come gradually to understand that the liberal arts cliché about teaching you how to think is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed. Think of the old cliché about “the mind being an excellent servant but a terrible master.”
Thursday, August 15, 2024
cLOUDDEAD opening alludes to "What About Bob?" explicitly references "What About Bob?"
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Interesting players
Over the last three seasons has struck out 71 batters in 139.1 innings. A side-armer. In 2022 & 2024 has combined for three homers allowed in 95 innings but gave up seven in the middle season.
Over the last three seasons has struck out 71 batters in 139.1 innings. A side-armer. In 2022 & 2024 has combined for three homers allowed in 95 innings but gave up seven in the middle season.
1990s - mostly AAA. Very low strikeouts.
Career arc: p-of-2b-of-c. Never made majors but was hitting .300+ in AA in late 30s.
Career arc: p-of-2b-of-c. Never made majors but was hitting .300+ in AA in late 30s.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Monday, August 12, 2024
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Tom Gething
Oakley Hall: Warlock historical fiction - about town of OK Corral
Pedro Paramo/Under the Volcano Talks about Rulfo - interesting,
The Man Who Loved Dogs Historical fiction - about Trotsky's assassin
Annals of the Former World by John McPhee On geologists and our terrain
Pancho Villa Takes Zacatecas A graphic novel by Paco Ignacio Tabo II and the artist Eko. The illusrations look epic.
My First Summer in the Sierra by John Muir illustrated by pictures from reviewer's hike on the John Muir trail. Looks so cool!
Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe also recommends a story collection of his: "From Death to Morning."
Nevil Shute How would we act at the end of the world?
King Leopold's Ghost A look at Leopold's Congo
Stoner by John Williams not what it sounds like; a rich telling of an ordinary professor's life
Short story collection by Ma Jian Compared to Rulfo & Chekhov
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Magazines that publish sci-fi/fantasy short stories Submissions open 10-01. <10K words. .10/word. 1K-25K words. .08-.10/word. Submissions open 8-5 to 9-2. 750 to 10K words. .10/word.
Monty Python An inspiration An inspiration Precursor project KERA was 1st American station to air Monty Python. KERA was 1st American station to air Monty Python.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Monday, June 17, 2024
Victor Perez
Jewish boxer who died in Holocaust.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
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